I'm not completely sure how I feel about this one. Ok, call me a crude jerk but I have to admit that part of me thinks that the prank was a wee bit funny and that the "victim" is a pussy that needs to man up and get over himself.
Of course the prank was disgusting and inappropriate but if that type of thing bothers him enough to file criminal sexual assault charges against a fellow student and athlete then he would likely be a better candidate for the school's Apple Computer Club than the wrestling team. (Relax, this is being typed on a Mac)
To me an appropriate personal response would have been to either get even or to kick the offenders ass. If I were his father (I have two sons in college) that's exactly what I would have told my son. No, I wouldn't have been thrilled if it had happened to me, my son or any of the men in my world. But to file criminal sexual assault charges over this, something that will follow the other kid the rest of his life, seems way too harsh.
So let me see if I can wrap this up....
Shame on Wally Wanker for putting his junk in the other kids face;
Shame on Johhny Junkface for not handling this personally;
Shame on Mr. Junkface for teaching his kid to be a pussy and to hyper-escalate a situation;
Shame on the authorities for not urging the parties to handle matters privately;
Shame on the adults for not finding a better more appropriate punishment for Wally Wanker and;
Shame on Connecticut and the rest of us for allowing things to get to a point where common sense has been overtaken by extreme political correctness.
Cops: Bunnell wrestler assaulted mate
Article Last Updated: 08/13/2008 05:55:28 PM EDT
STRATFORD — A member of the Bunnell High School wrestling team was arrested yesterday for allegedly sexually assaulting another member of the team during a practice session. The 16-year-old boy, whose name was not disclosed because of his age, was charged with one count of fourth-degree sexual assault.
He surrendered to police, accompanied by his father, after learning there was a warrant for his arrest. The boy was released after posting $1,000 bond, pending arraignment in Superior Court. The charges are based on an incident last December during a wrestling team practice session at the school.
The 17-year-old victim was wrestling with another teammate, police said, when he allegedly heard the defendant tell his opponent to pin him to the mat. While the victim was pinned on his back, police said, the defendant approached, bent down and exposed his genitals in the victim's face.
The victim managed to free himself and went to a water cooler to rinse out his mouth, declaring, "That was disgusting," according to the police report. The victim was initially reluctant to report the incident, police said, but later came forward after other Bunnell students learned about it.
Police detectives later confronted the defendant, and while he contended he made a "gesture" that may have appeared his genitals had contact with the other wrestler, he claimed he didn't actually do it.