My open letter to Sir Paul McCartney...
Dear Paul;
In light of your status as an absolute legend in the world of modern music it pains me greatly to have to tell you to STFU A**hole!
Who exactly do you think you are coming to OUR country to receive an award and in doing so bashing OUR former President in OUR White House no less?
President George W. Bush did earn an undergrad degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Not being from the US you may not know that the aforementioned schools and degrees are kind of a big deal. He was elected governor of Texas and President of the United States, twice. Governor and President, also a big deal in America.
You have been blessed with a musical career beyond compare and challenged with a number of personal difficulties in your own life, none of which we'll detail here. Suffice it to say that next time you have the opportunity on a similar occasion... you might just want to leave it at "Thank You".
PS... And shame on Barack Obama and everyone else in the room for letting you get away with it.
Paul McCartney Bashes Bush in Front of Obama and White House Guests |
Paul McCartney Bashes Bush in Front of Obama and White House Guests

McCartney was honored in the East Room of the White House by the President, his family, and a star-studded guest list that included Stevie Wonder, Dave Grohl, Faith Hill, the Jonas Brothers, Jack White, Elvis Costello, Emmylou Harris, Herbie Hancock, Corinne Bailey Rae, and Jerry Seinfeld.
After receiving the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song, McCartney told the audience, "After the last eight years, it's good to have a president that knows what a library is" (video follows with commentary):
Potentially even more disgraceful, those in the audience wildly applauded after McCartney made this disgusting comment.
Isn't that special?
Two weeks ago, a Mexican president got cheered [0] by Democrats in Congress when he insulted Arizona's governor and every American that supports that state's new anti-illegal immigration law.
Days later, a British pop star insults our 43rd president -- while being honored by our nation in THE WHITE HOUSE!!! -- and those in attendance think it's a riot.
Makes you proud to be an American, doesn't it?
Post facto exit question: McCartney is touring America this summer. Will this comment help or hurt ticket sales?
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